Pécs Orchestra is Envoy for 2010 in Capital


The orchestra will perform Liszt's Les Preludes, Ravel's Piano Concerto in G major, with the soloist Gábor Csalog, and Franck's Symphony in D minor under the baton of Zoltán Peskó on January 29.
In February, the orchestra will perform the Suite from Wagner's Tristan and Isolde as well as the Idyll from Siegfried. Bartók's Bluebeard's Castle will follow with the soloists Andrea Meláth and Peter Mikulas from Slovakia.

 László Hadady

In March, Oliver von Dohnanyi, the will take up the baton and lead the orchestra in works by Smetana, Haydn and Dvorak. László Hadady will be the soloist for Haydn's Oboe Concerto in C major.

The orchestra will perform in the capital's Saint Stephen's Basilica in April. The programme will include Haydn's Organ Concerto in C major as well as pieces by György Lickl, Francis Poulenc and Camille Saint-Saëns.
The pianist Fazil Say will perform his own piano concerto at a concert in May. Works by Mozart and Brahms will also be on the programme.
The Pannon Philharmonic Orchestra hopes to inaugurate their new home in the city of Pécs, a concert hall being built as part of the Pécs2010 progarmme, in the last quarter of the year.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: pannonfilharmonikusok.hu