Pécs Presents Honorary Doctorate to Poet Yevtushenko


University rector Róbert Gábriel welcomed Yevtushenko before an audience of about 400 packed into the university's Damján Vargha Conference Hall.
University dean Ferenc Fischer presented Yevtushenko with the honorary doctorate in the name of the Faculty of Liberal Arts. The faculty council, together with the University senate, voted unanimously to present the Russian poet with the honor.

Yevgeny Yevtushenko (File photo)
In his acceptance speech, Yevtushenko acknowledged Hungary's outstanding poets, from Petrőfi to Attila József, but he said the country's national football team in the 50s - the "Mighty Magyars" - had, perhaps, a more important effect on him. From them he learned how to achieve results by passing the ball around the bureaucracy, he said.
Yevtushenko read from his works in Russian and Kati Sólyom, Ferenc Köles and Dániel Czéh recited them in Hungarian.
Photo: piratyy.by.ru