Pécs Promenade Hosts Summer Festivals



Among the events taking place within the framework of the Sétatér Festival, organised by the Pécs Cultural Centre, is Pécs-Ars GEometrica (P-AGE), which aims to demonstrate interaction between the arts and the sciences. On the P-AGE programme, slated for June 14-17 are scientific talks, exhibitions, workshops, concerts, theatre performances film screenings and interactive games. P-AGE is part of the European Union's European Year of Intercultural Dialogue and a preliminary event for the Bridges - Mathematical Connections in Art, Music and Science World Conference the city will host in 2010.

On June 19-21, the Sétatér promenade will be host the FolkBridge festival, showcasing music from Greece, Turkey, Serbia and Costa Rica. On the 21st and 22nd, the 29th Pécs Folk Days festival will take place on the promenade.
The series of events will close with the 2nd European Contemporary and Improvisation Music Festival (ImproFeszt), to feature performances by the Szakcsi Trio, World&Jazz and, from the Germany city of Essen, which will share the European Capital of Culture title with Pécs and Istanbul in 2010, Axon.
The programme on the promenade will also reflect Hungary's Renaissance Year 2008, with decorations and stage productions.
Other acts lined up for evening performances on the promenade include Elsa Valle, Colorstar, Zagar and the Budapest Dance Theatre.