Pécs to Form Partnership with Kaposvár for Culture Capital Preparations


Pécs will share the title European Capital of Culture 2010 with the German city of Essen and Istanbul.
Kaposvár's cooperation with Pécs will involve several large-scale infrastructure investments in the next couple of years, Szita said. Kaposvár plans to refurbish its theatre, to transform a mill located close to the city centre into a youth centre, and to establish the first "Domesticated Animal Park" in Europe at a combined cost of HUF 8.2 billion.
Kaposvár also plans to involve Pécs in its lobbying for further developments of two roads connecting Kaposvár to Szigetvár and Balatonlelle, which the city considers of great importance.
Kaposvár will also serve as a co-host to some of the events on Pécs's European Capital of Culture programme.
Details of cooperation will be set down in writing in a month, Szita said.
Tasnádi said the scope of the cooperation between Pécs and Kaposvár would be expanded beyond the scope of culture to include education and healthcare in the future.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)