Pécs to Host WASBE Conference


Pécs beat Calgary (Canada) and Altea (Spain) among the cities WASBE considered to host the conference.

Imre Bogyó, who presented Pécs's application to the WASBE steering committee, said it was the first time a country from Central and Eastern Europe had tried to host the conference.
Pécs is undertaking several big infrastructure projects, including the construction of a big concert hall, in the run-up to 2010, when it takes the European Capital of Culture title.
WASBE - "the only international organization of wind band conductors, composers, performers, publishers, teachers, instrument makers and friends of wind music," according to the association's website - has about a thousand members in 50 countries.
WASBE will hold its next international conference in Cincinnati in 2009. The 2011 conference will be held in Taiwan.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)
Photo: Máté Nándorfi