Pécs2010 Programme to Draw a Third More Visitors



Local tourism officials are fostering contacts with about 40 German tour organisers who are arranging culture-themed tours to Pécs for their regular clients, said Zsuzsa Hegyi, of the local office of state tourism agency Magyar Turizmus.

Pécs tourism officials anticipate the highest number of foreign visitors from Germany and Austria this year. Der Tour, the largest German tour organiser, has included Pécs tourism offers in its 2010 brochure, which has a print run of 1.7 million copies and is distributed in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The German guide Dumont includes a 12-page Pécs supplement including a map this year, and a 170-page Pécs guide has been published in Austria, Új Dunántúli Napló said.
In a regular year, Pécs draws about 125,000 visitors.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: Máté Nándorfi