PLACCC Returns to Budapest


hello! earth

Among the highlights of the festival will be ?a playful study of the city and unusual encounters with other travellers? by Danish artists hello!earth.

?Their audience-sensitive performance, Tomorrow Everything Will Be Different challenges the myth of reality and takes you on a do-it-yourself adventure zigzaging across a diverse district of Budapest. Discover or re-discover a district of the city and experience it as never before, as reality blends with your personal perspective,? the PLACCC organisers say.
The curator Joanna Warsza curator (Fundacja Laury Palmer / Laura Palmer Foundation) and the artist Tomek Saciłowski (Galeria Le Guern / Le Guern Gallery) will bring Venice?s famed Giardini Biennale to Sashegy, a nature preserve high on a hill in Buda.
?Giardini BiennaleSashegy is a game of imagination which transforms allotments in the midst of a residential district into gardens filled with national pavilions.?
The Szövetség?39 Artists? Base will bring a stage for ?cross-disciplinary artistic interventions?, featuring writers, musicians, circus artists, dancers and choreographers, activists, visual and video artists, to the capital on the back of a flat-bed truck during the festival.
?Escape Route will show you an exit into the realms of imagination and playfulness,? PLACCC organisers promise.
The PLACCC Festival was launched in 2008 by Artopolis Association in order to create a platform for site-specific performance and art in public space. PLACCC aims to introduce new artistic initiatives to the Hungarian public and to inspire and support local artists in creating site-specifically.
In May, PLACCC took a special edition to Pécs, a 2010 European Capital of Culture. There a new audience had a chance to encounter exciting and thought-provoking site-specific work created by local and international artists. PLACCC Pécs focused on the fine line between public and private: spectators became voyeurs and accomplices in a theatrical thriller staged in the backyard of a family home, ventured on an apartment adventure tour in Uran City and discovered surprising land art installations in city centre.