Plan Picked for Pécs Zsolnay Cultural Quarter


Planners from contest winner MCXVI Architect Workshop: László Herczeg (left), Kata Csaba (centre) and János Tamás Pintér (right)

Zoltán Tóth, who headed the evaluation committee, said the 50,000-square-metre Zsolnay Cultural Quarter will provide a space for exhibitions and working artists as well as a place where university students and families come for entertainment. It will have a multi-functional square, a visitors' centre a coffee house and a restaurant. The project is to cost about HUF 11 billion.


Zoltán Tóth

Tóth said the jury picked MCXVI Architect Workshop as the winner of the contest because of the attention the company paid to preserving the area's architectural heritage. Their plan was the one which involved the fewest changes to the area, he said.

MCXVI Architect Workshop was awarded a HUF 12 million purse with the prize.
The jury received eight applications for the contest, of which one was disqualified for technical reasons. In addition to the top prize, the jury awarded one third-place prize and three honourable mentions.
The Winners:
First Prize - MCXVI Architect Workshop. Planners Kata Csaba, László Herczeg and János Tamás Pintér. Prize money: HUF 12 million.
Second Prize - the jury decided no second prize would be awarded.
Third Prize - Planners: Tamás Lévai and Tamás Herczeg, with László Maknos. Prize money: HUF 5 million.

The plans that participated in the contest

Honourable Mention - Planners: Zoltán Szabó and Zoltán Galina, with technical consultants Miklós Wettstein (transportation) and Mihály Pallai (landscaping). Prize money: HUF 3 million.

Honourable Mention - Pecsepterv Studio. Planners:  László F. Rádóczy, Tamás Gettó, András Köves and Zsolt Tolnai. Landscaper: Réka Tóth. Prize money: HUF 3 million.
Honourable Mention - Gereben and Company. Planners: Péter Gereben and Manuel Wesseltoft. Prize money: HUF 3 million.
Photo: Ferenc Kálmándy (MTI)