The latest exhibition in the PÁRbeszéd, or dialogue, series, features the Hungarian artist Gábor Király and his Polish colleague Magdalena Moskwa. Moskwa's figures of women are like a "martyrology" of long forgotten actors with eyes tightly shut. Király's figures are half finished and appear sometimes even as man-animals. Though both artists' work is very different, the Polish Institute has sought to create a kind of conversation between the works.
The exhibition is the third of paintings in the PÁRbeszéd series. The earlier ones featured the works of András Gál and Krzysztof Gliszczynski, and of Krzysztof Kedzierski and Krisztián Sándor. The institute has also hosted three exhibitions featuring pairs of Hungarian and Polish photographers. They included Luca Gőbölyös and Katarzyna Korzeniecka, Lenke Szilágyi and Ireneusz Zjezdzalka and Péter Bányay and Patrycja Orzechowska.