Poster Exhibition to Coincide With Film Week



The exhibition will feature posters prepared by Hungarian artists for films which opened in Hungary last year. It has been timed to coincide with the 38th Hungarian Film Week, which starts on January 30.

Eight of the thirty-nine posters - more than ever before at the exhibition - are for foreign films.
Awards will be granted by a professional jury, including department head at the Hungarian Fine Arts University Kálmán Molnár, department heads at the Moholy-Nagy Art University Gyula Molnár and László Zsótér, and chairman of the Hungarian Advertising Association Bálint Nagy.
Audience awards will be presented too, based on votes submitted at Film Week venues and on the internet. Online votes may be submitted from Tuesday at and
The exhibition aims to raise the profile of Hungarian film poster art as well as recognise the country's finest graphic artists.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)