President Opens Matthias Corvinus Exhibition


President László Sólyom at the exhibition "Matthias Corvinus the King ? Tradition and Renewal in the Hungarian Royal Court 1458-1490" in the Budapest History Museum

Visitors to the exhibition will learn about a "genuinely great man" who brought the Renaissance to Hungary, President Sólyom said. They will also see how we reflect on the Renaissance today, he added.

Museum director Sándor Bodó said the exhibition, which runs until June 30, contains some 400 objects, including 29 on loan from collections in Italy, Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic. The objects in the exhibition have been insured for more than HUF 5 billion.
President Sólyom praised the museum's staff for putting together such a well-thought-out and delightful exhibition.

Armour of the black troops

A piece of the carpet that once lay before Matthias Corvinus's throne, on loan from Italy

Illuminated manuscripts from the 15th century

The exhibition, entitled Matthias Corvinus the King - Tradition and Renewal in the Hungarian Royal Court 1458-1490, is one of four in the capital marking Hungary's Renaissance Year 2008 - 550 years since the coronation of King Matthias Corvinus. János Vitéz, the "star of Pannonia", who introduced Italian Humanism to Hungary's "Renaissance king" Matthias Corvinus, is at the centre of an exhibition at the National Széchényi Library. Budapest's Museum of Applied Arts is showing majolica from the period of King Matthias and his Jagiellon successors in an exhibition entitled The Dowry of Beatrice - The art of Italian Majolica and the Court of King Matthias Corvinus. And, at the end of March, the Hungarian National Gallery will open an exhibition picking up where the Budapest History Museum's leaves off - 1490 - to examine the Jagiellon Dynasty.

Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)