Press Agency Draws Big Crowds on Cultural Heritage Days


The agency opened its doors to the public for the first time at this year's Cultural Heritage Days and drew big crowds eager to see where news is made as well as the spectacular view over the city from the headquarters' rooftop terrace.
Arriving visitors could have their picture taken in a cut-out of an MTI photojournalist, and old news agency equipment was on display in the lobby.
Among the objects was a telegraph from the 1950s, a journalist's recorder from the 1970s, weighing several kilos, and a computer terminal from the 1980s manufactured by Hungary's own Videoton.

Mátyás Vince, chairman of the agency guides a tour
Visitors were taken on guided tours of the building and shown the newsroom, the photo archives and the office of the agency's chairman, who also led some of the tours.
More than 800 buildings in almost 400 communities around the country opened their doors for this year's Cultural Heritage Days, more than ever before. In the capital, some of the most popular attractions were the Parisian Department Store on Andrássy Boulevard, the former Bourse Palace on Szabadság Square and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences' Central Physics Research Institute.
About 50 countries in Europe participated in Cultural Heritage Days at the weekend, an annual event which started in France in 1984.
Source: Hungarian News Agency / Photo: MTI