Priceless Books Return to Sárospatak


Of the 146 volumes returned from Russia, 126 will arrive in Sárospatak on Thursday, said Bishop József Csomós. Among them is Hartmann Schedel?s Libri Cronicarum, a history of the world printed in 1493, which is one of the collection?s most valuable specimens. Twenty books from the collection will be put on temporary display at the Pápa Reformed College, but will be returned to Sárospatak in December.

The books, which were taken to the Soviet Union in 1945, were returned to Hungary this year in two parts, one in February and the other in April. Their return required a special bill, which was approved by the Duma. Under an agreement signed afterward, Hungary promised to pay 12 million rubles (more than 400,000 US dollars) to the library in Russia where the books were stored for their safe keeping.

Upon their return, the books were shown at the National Museum in an exhibition opened March 1, to coincide with a visit by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The books will be put on public display in Sárospatak from July 14.

Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)