Prix Hungarica Prizes Awarded in Paris


The winners were Katalin Por for a paper on Hungarian talent in Hollywood in 1930-1943 and Aurore Rivals for a paper on the Hungarian composer Péter Eötvös's opera Three Sisters. They beat other papers written in the fields of international relations, economics, art history, film history and music history.

The prize comes with a EUR 3,000 purse, made possible by Electricité de France and Ségécé, a member of the BNP Paribas group.
The 11-member jury that assessed the papers included university professors and journalists involved in European affairs. The jury's honorary members were the historian and journalist Ferenc Fejtő, the political analyst Jacques Rupnik, the banker Alexandre de Takácsy and Hungary's ambassador to France László Nikicser.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)