Prize-Winning Hungarian Photographer Shows in Bratislava


The exhibition, entitled Here, Anywhere, shows photographs taken over the past three years that demonstrate the lingering ?Eastern Europeanness? of a region that has undergone great change since the fall of communism more than two decades ago.
?The map of Hungary is speckled with capsules of time. During the political transformation twenty years ago, as the country experienced change it simply forgot about certain places ? streets, blocks of flats, vacant sites and whole districts became self-defined enclosures, where today a certain out-dated, awkward, longed-to-be-forgotten Eastern Europeanness still lingers,? Dezső says on his homepage.
?I do not observe these mini-universes in the hope of recording entirety, but rather aim to capture the essence of these worlds by elevating certain arbitrarily chosen details into embodiments of a disappearing existence,? he says.
Here, Anywhere has been shown in Budapest?s Raiffeisen Gallery, as well as in the United States and in France, where it won the Grand Prize of the Young European Artists Network (JCE) Biennale in Montrouge.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)