Prizes Awarded at Hungarian-Slovakian Shorts Competition


 Miroslav Remo: Ecce Homo

Sightorsson won the prize for Support about euthanasia. Remo was recognised for Ecce Homo, about neglected old people. The two winners shared the purse, equivalent to HUF 1 million in euros.

On the initiative of the Hungarian Institute in Bratislava, organisers of the Azyl festival in Bratislava and the Busho festival in Hungary called the competition to demonstrate good relations between Hungarians and Slovakians. Called We are an Open Society, the competition organisers invited short films exploring social issues to compete. One of the themes of the competition was Slovakian-Hungarian relations.
Thirty films were selected for the competition from 124 submissions from five countries.
The five-member international jury included two Hungarian members, the directors Csaba Bollók and Géza M. Tóth.