Pro Architectura Prizes Awarded


The recipients of the Pro Architectura Prizes were István Lukács, András Vikár and Gábor Gaschler for building M in Budapest's Graphisoft Park; Marcel Ferencz for the Hun Spa in Bodrogkeresztúr; Zoltán Pozsgai and Attila Takács for the gymnasium in the Lovassy Secondary School of Veszprém; Zsófia Csomay and György Nagy for the Völgykút House, also in Veszprém; and István Steffler, Dániel Kontra and Borbála Salgó for the recultivation of the Kopasz Dam and Lágymányos Bay in Budapest.
György Tábori, Public Relations Director for construction company TriGranit, which sponsors the Junior Prime Prizes, which recognises architects under the age of 30, announced his year's eight winners at the Katona Theatre, which faces the FUGA Budapest Architecture Centre. The winners were Zsófia Dobos, Katalin Fazekas, Lívia Haraszti, Ágnes Jószai, András Káldos, Miklós Oroszlány, Tibor Tánczos and Ádám Vesztergom. The winners will be awarded their prizes, which come with an EUR 8,750 purse, at a ceremony on October 27.
Chairman of the Hungarian Chamber of Architects István Eltér and head of the Association of Hungarian Architects Ernő Kálmán presented Diploma Awards to the best architecture graduates of 2009. They were Barna Csíki, Jessica Dvorzsák, Péter Kronavetter and Krisztina Mészáros, who are all graduates of the Budapest Technical University, and Dávid Ákos Hoffecker, who graduated from the Pécs University of Science.
Certificates of merit and special awards went to Veronika Ferenczy, Dávid Loszmann, Anna Márialigeti, Réka Győrfi, Nóra Kaposi and Ágnes Majoros.
The work of all of the prize-winners can be seen in an exhibition space on the lower floor of FUGA.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: