Protestant Churches Celebrate Reformation Month


The programme, which has the title Awake, You Witness!, started in Budapest on Friday at an event to mark the 85th anniversary of the establishment of Theological Digest in the MEÖT chapel. László Szaszfalvi, state secretary in charge of church and civil relations, gave a talk entitled Theological Introspection in Political Science.
Imre Szebik, a retired priest who heads MEÖT, gave the sermon at the event. Pastours from the Reformed, Baptist, Methodist and Lutheran churches also participated in the service.

Szélrózsa Band

The highlight of the programme will be a gala event at the Urania National Film Theatre on the evening of October 17. There the Baptist Central Choir will sing and pieces such as the fourth movement of Brahms? German Requiem will be performed. The Lutheran Theatre will bring to the stage the last two scenes of Imre Madách?s The Tragedy of Man.

An ecumenical meeting of women will be organised in the Baptist prayer house in Pécs, and the city?s Reformed church will host a celebration of the hundredth anniversary of the world mission conference. A family day focusing on stewardship of the creation will be held in Dunavarasány, and the Rajkó Ensemble will perform a charity concert for the Lepers Mission in Budapest.
The programme will close on October 31, Reformation Day, with worship and musical programmes in the capital?s Reformed Memorial Park and in the Lutheran church on Deák Square.