Puppet, Street Theatre Festival Slated for Weekend


Friday, September 1

Comedy Square
16:00 ? 19:00
Street of Showmen
A medieval fair with games, comedy and demonstrations by craftsmen

Open-air Stage
Kabóca Puppet Theatre of Veszprém: Prince Mirkó
A Hungarian folk tale directed by: Gábor Pilári and Zsuzsanna Vajda
Performers: Tünde Balázs, Andrea Dienes, Ákos Futó, György Kiss, Erzsébet Tamás
Music: Ákos Pirisi

Wandering - Memento Mori
Concert of old Eastern European songs and music with Jacek and Alicia Halas

Saturday, September 2

10:00 ? 18:00
Street of Showmen:
A medieval fair with games, comedy and demonstrations by craftsmen

Puppet workshop with puppeteers, designers and directors

Puppet-making: shadow theatre, finger puppets, with the Ládafia Puppet Theatre

Polish Yurt
13:00 Theater Variete

17:00 Traditional Polish dance instruction with Jacek Halas

Sky Theatre ? yurt theatre
Tales, music, dance and craft shows for all ages

12:00 Szabolcs the Fox house of tales: Péter Zöld
14:00 Tábita Puppet Group: Jonah and the Whale

11:00 Vaskakas Puppet Theatre of Győr: The Rider Without a Horse
Directed by: Prof. Krzysztof Rau

20:30 Me, Antigone
Rendition of ancient Greek play in one act
Directed by: Gábor Tengely
Performers: Angéla Badacsonyi, Mária Sz. Nagy, Eszter Törőcsik
Choreography: Zsófia Nemes

Open-Air Stage
16:00 Mesebolt Puppet Theatre of Szombathely: Suitcase Magic ? Magic Circus
Written and directed by: Gábor Boka
Designer: Kornélia Pallós
Composer: Béla Ágoston
Performers: Tamás Czirók, Erika Császár, Kitti Hideg, Éva Németh, Márta Németh, Tamás Poór

18:00 House of Tales by Gyöngyi Écsi: The Seven-Coloured Grain of Wheat
Performed by: Gyöngyi Écsi
Accompanied on folk instruments by Marcell Kováts

19:00 Theatret Kimbri from Denmark: The Raven

Sunday, September 3

10:00 ? 18:00
Accompanying Events:

Street of Showmen:
Medieval fair with games, comedy and demonstrations by craftsmen
Tintaló Company: Puppet Circus

Puppet Workshop ? with puppeteers, designers and directors, including
the Levendula Theatre: Turka, the Dancing Goat ? fair games
and Aunt Zsuzsi?s puppet workshop

Polish Yurt
13:00 Polish traditional dance instruction with Jacek Halas

17:00 Theatret Kimbri: The Sealwoman

19:00 Musical Parade Around the Yurt

Sky Theatre ? yurt theatre
Tales, music, dance and craft shows for all ages...

10:30, 14:00 Szabolcs the Fox House of Tales: Tales About King Mathias, Saint George and the Dragon

12:00 The Dozing Daisy
One-person puppet show based on Edith Nesbith?s fairy-tale
Directed by: Rita Bartal Kiss
Designed by: Ákos Mátravölgyi
Story Editor: Ilona Szász
Music: Szabolcs Nagy
Performed by: Ági Majoros

Open-Air Theatre
11.00 Levendula Theatre - Miklós Mészöly: The Tiny Tower

16.00 Bóbita Puppet Theatre of Pécs: King Thrushbeard
(not recommended for children under the age of 5)
Adaptation from the Brothers Grimm by Tibor Zalán
Music: Bence Darvas
Designer: Ákos Mátravölgyi
Directed by: Ágnes Kuthy
Performers: Gabi Csizmadia, Tamás Boglári, Róbert Molnár, Lóránt Matta

20.00 Dah Theatre (Ukrainian Theatre of Kiev): Richard III. - Prologue

Ticket prices:
Adults: HUF 400/500, Children: HUF 300/350, Families: HUF 1500
Adults: HUF 700/800, Children: HUF 400/450, Families: HUF 1800