Quimby Has Plans for Summer


Quimby will play two shows in London on May 23 and 25. András Simonits and Mindpilot will open for the band and Dino will close the show.

The band plans to premiere the new video for its song ?I Give Myself? and bring a two-act musical theatre performance to fans later in the summer.
Quimby will peform at the Budapest Downtown Festival on May 29, Fishing on Orfű on June 19, Budapest Dürer Garden - Telezene Festival (with Frenk) on June 24, Volt festival on July 1, Veszprém ? Street Music festival on July 14, Efott- Orfű on July 15, Hegyalja Festival on July 17, Budapest Kobuci Garden on July 21, Körmend - Alterába festival on July 22, Debrecen Campus Festival on July 24, Ördögkatlan festival on August 5 and at the Sziget Festival in Budapest between August 11 and 16.