Rákóczi Crypt in Kosice Closed With Little Warning



The Kosice-based correspondent for Új Szó, a Hungarian language newspaper published in Bratislava, wrote on Tuesday that no announcement was made before the crypt was closed and there is no mention of it on the city's home page.

The crypt is one of the main attrations for the 20,000 Hungarians who visit the city each year.
The Új Szó correpsondent further complained that the Hungarian language version of Koscie's home page is "full of stylistic and grammatical errors...and tends to deter tourists rather than attract them." The writer also reported a dead link to information on the 130th anniversary last year of Rákóczi's birth.
An official of the company in charge of restoring the crypt confirmed that the site will be closed to the public for the next three months and work is likely to continue afterward until the end of the year. The offical agreed that information abou the status of the crypt's renovation ought to be made available to the public and conceded that "being disappointed tends to leave a long-term impression on visitors, and this might hurt Kosice's reputation."
Source: Múlt-kor/MTI-Panoráma