Rehearsals Underway for Mezzo Opera Contest Productions


Rehearsals have started for three of the five opera productions to be performed in Szeged over the two-week period, and they will soon start for a fourth. A fifth production has already had its premiere in the United States.
The productions will feature up-and-coming talents whose voices were matched by their acting skills.
The Dicapo Opera Theatre (New York, USA) will perform Tobias Picker's Emmeline, directed by Róbert Alföldi. The Csokonai Theatre (Debrecen, Hungary) will show Last Day of a Condemned, by David Alagna, directed by Nadine Duffaut. The Baltic Opera (Gdansk, Poland) will show Ariadne auf Naxos, by Richard Strauss. The Théâtre Bienne Soleure (Bienne, Switzerland) will show two one-act operas: L'Heure Espagnole, by Ravel, and Alexandre bis, by Bohuslav Martinu, both directed by Bertalan Bagó. The National Moravian-Silesian Theatre (Ostrava, Czech Republic) will present Life, by Marco Tutino, directed by Péter Telihay.
Mezzo will broadcast the performances in 39 countries with the cooperation of Hungarian public television Duna TV. 
The jury for the contest will be headed by Fabrizio Melano, the former director of the New York Metropolitan. Two Hungarians will sit on the international panel: the opera singer Éva Marton and managing director of the Miskolc International Opera Festival Tamás Bátor.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: MTI