REMPART Invites Applications for Work Camp in Hungary


REMPART (Réhabilitation et Entretien des Monuments du Patrimonie Artistique) is holding the volunteer work camp in the Monostor Forest, in Komárom, along the Danube in the north of Hungary. Volunteers picked to participate at the camp will work for 7-8 hours a day under the supervision of experts. Guest speakers will visit the camp, and volunteers will also make several excursions.

Among the guest speakers lined up are the architect István Varga, Mihály Ráday of the Village and City Protection Association, Tamás Fejérdy of the World Heritage Hungarian National Committee, Orsolya Vadász of the Contemporary Architecture Centre (KÉK) and Lajos Gráfel, who chairs the Pro Comaromiensi Foundation.
Hungarian applicants must be at least 18 years old and speak French. The camp will be comprised of twelve Hungarian speakers and twelve citizens of French-speaking countries.
Source: Múlt-kor / Hungarian News Agency (MTI)