Revolution In Times Square


The billboard is one of two the Hungarian Culture Center has organised to mark the event. The other, adjacent to the first one, advertises , a website dedicated to the 1956 Revolution.

The billboards are seen by about 60,000 people a day, and they have attracted the attention of the media as well. The New York Times, Reuters and the International Herald Tribune have all written about the billboards.

The Ministry of Education and Culture paid for most of the cost of the billboards, with the Budapest Municipal Council making a contribution as well. Van Wagner, a company that sells billboard space in Times Square, offered the Hungarian Cultural Center a 35 percent discount for the space.

In addition to the billboards, the Hungarian Cultural Center in New York has organised several other events to commemorate the 1956 Revolution. Three historians ? Charles Gáti, Csaba Békés and Attila Szakolczai ? visited East Coast universities in early October to talk about the events of 1956 to students, and a film festival featuring directors who grew up after the 1956 Revolution is running from October 27 until November 16. Additionally, seven films by Hungarian director Miklós Jancsó, who recently turned 85, are being shown.

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Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)