Róbert Alföldi Starts Shooting First Feature Film


Photo by Eszter Gordon

Alföldi said he was asked by the producer István Bodzsár to make a film based on Attila Bartis's book Tranquillity, which is about an actress "forced to leave her acting career for political reasons." The story deals with the "can't-live-with-you-can't-live-without-you" dilemma, Alföldi said.

The actress is played by Udvaros; Makranczi plays her son, with whom she has been living for 15 years; and the son's girlfriend is played by Gryllus.
Alföldi also wrote the screenplay for the film, together with László Garaczi.
The film will be shot mostly in the flat Udvaros's character shares with her son. Shooting is scheduled to finish on September 7.
Bodzsár said the production has a budget of HUF 200 million, including a HUF 40 million grant from the Hungarian Moving Pictures Public Foundation.
Bartis' novel, published in 2001, was adapted to the stage in 2003. The play, entitled My Mother Cleopatra, was performed by the National Theatre, directed by Dezső Garas. Udvaros also played the lead in the production.   
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)