Róbert Batykó Wins First Leopold Bloom Art Award


Batykó?s art ?has incredible potential and he will most likely be able to get involved in an international art dialogue. We hope he will utilise this opportunity,? the international jury said of their choice for the award, which comes with a 10,000 euro cash prize.
The jury picked Batykó?s submission over ones by the shortlisted artists Zsombor Barakonyi, Csaba Róka Kis, Attila Szűcs, Agnes von Uray and Júlia Vécsei.
On the jury were Caroline Hancock, an independent curator and critic from the UK; the Irish artist Alice Maher; and Andrzej Szczerski, an adjunct at the Jagello University Art History Institute in Krakkow, a curator and the head of the Polish section of the AICA ? International Association of Art Critics.
The concept and execution of the contest was the work of the Agency for Contemporary Art Exchange (ACAX), a department of the Ludwig Museum (LUMU) in Budapest.
The name of the award reflects the ties between its founder, an Irish logistics company, and Hungary. Leopold Bloom, the protagonist of Irish writer James Joyce?s Ulysses, was born in the Hungarian city of Szombathely.
?Leopold Bloom is the symbol of paradigm-shifting art, travel, cosmopolitanism and not least of all the Irish-Hungarian connections,? the award?s founder says.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)