Saint Ephraim Men?s Choir Tours South America


The choir, now well known across Europe, will perform three times in Argentina: in Buenos Aires, Montevideo and San Fernando. They will sing once in Uruguay, where founder and director Tamás Bubnó will hold a workshop focusing on the choral works of Liszt and Kodály for local artists.
The concert in Buenos Aires will take place in the beautiful Centro Naval concert hall, said Bubnó. One of the choir?s performances has been organised by the Ars Hungarica Society and the Polish Embassy to mark the handover of the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union from Hungary to Poland, he added.
When the choir returns to Hungary, it will perform at the Zemplén Festival and in the Greek Orthodox churches of Sátoraljaújhely and Komlóska.  
The choir will be joined by Hungarian folk music diva Márta Sebestyén for a concert in Máriapócs on August 20.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)