Saint Ephraim Men?s Choir Returns From South American Tour


Tamás Bubnó, who founded and directs the choir, said the highlight of the tour on August 4-14 was a concert in the grand hall of the navy officers club Centro Naval in Buenos Aires.
The concert was organised by the Ars Hungarica Association and the Polish Embassy to mark the handover of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union from Hungary to Poland. It featured well known works by Hungarian and Polish composers.
Bubnó taught a master class in Buenos Aires, where the men?s choir is a little known ensemble. Regardless, participants in the course were so fascinated by the Hungarian choral works presented that they sang together with the Saint Ephraim Men?s Choir. Bubnó also taught a master class at the university in Montevideo.
The choir performed for full houses at all of the venues on its tour. Bubnó estimated some 800 people heard the choir on the tour, and many asked them to return.
The choir will perform at the Zemplén Festival, in the Greek Orthodox churches of Sátoraljaújhely and Komlóska, on Thursday and Friday, respectively.  
The choir will be joined by Hungarian folk music diva Márta Sebestyén for a concert in Máriapócs on August 20.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)