Sándor Mohi Takes Top Prize at Symbiosis


As God Wishes

The films beat almost 50 other films at the festival, which was organised by the Association of Hungarian Documentary Directors and the Local Television Society of Esztergom and held on May 28-30.

Mohi's prize came with a HUF 500,000 cash purse.
The Hungarian Development Bank's prize, with a cash purse of HUF 400,000, went to Ibolya Fekete for the film The Csángó. The Local Television Society of Esztergom's award for best cinematographer, with a cash purse of HUF 300,000, went to Gábor Váradi and Béla Kása for their work in Attila N. Magyar's film Homecoming Pictures. Duna Television's prize, with a cash purse of HUF 100,000, went to Gyula Gulyás for his film Mámó. Duna Television has said it plans to buy the film and broadcast it.
The Association of Hungarian Documentary Directors recognised János Litauszki for his film Threadbare and will offer support post-production work on the director's next film.
The national student jury's main award went to Zoltán Siflis for his film Our Unburied Dead - With Epilogue, and a special award went to Dezső Zsigmond for the film Golden Hut
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)