Sansz Elysées Festival Celebrates Diversity


The festival will showcase art and performances by groups who often suffer discrimination, such as Roma, women and the physically and mentally disabled. Additionally, members of these groups will speak about their lives and their problems.

Programme - Main Stage - Madách tér
11:00 Bea Palya Bea interactive concert
13:00 Nemadomfel Group / Akácvirág Dance Troupe  
15:00 Romano Drom
17:00 Egri János Group
19:00 Nomada
20:00 Budapest Bár - Hungarian and Roma musicians perform numbers popular in Budapest in the 20s and 30s
Programme - Opportunity Podium - Side Stage - Madách Imre utca
12:00 THE ROMA - Roma and Success. Moderators: Kriszta Bódis and Ágnes Daróczi. Guests: János Birta (businessman), Julianna Orsós (director of the Opportunity House, Szekszárd), Béla Berkes (journalist, reporter for Hungarian Television).
14.00 INTERACTION - An interactive psychological play about intercultural relations by Zsuzsa Pudics
16:00 PARALEL - People Living with Disabilities and Success. Moderators: Kriszta Bódis and Pásztory Dóra(Paralympics competitor). Guests: Balázs Tardy (actor), Ferenc Lelik (attorney), Lydia Szluka
18.00 WOMAN POWER - Talk and musical-literary performance. Moderator: Kriszta Bódis. Performers: Dóra Esze, Orsolya Karafiáth, Ildikó Noémi Nagy, Judit Ágnes Kiss, Judit Pál.