Search Started to Find Most Popular Hungarian Song


In the first round, participants will be asked to add about another 100 songs to a list of 400 popular melodies the organisers, together with hit radio station Sláger Rádió, have chosen. In the second round, the choice will be narrowed to 60 songs, and to 10 in the third. The fourth and final round will determine the most popular Hungarian song of all time.

The contest is open only to songs by Hungarian composers, lyricists and performers, but may include any genre from rock to folk. ?We aim for nothing more and nothing less than the dream tune. We are not setting obscure standards for quality, and we are not interested in the opinions of professionals in the field or well-known Hungarian public personalities, although, of course, they can also join the contest with their personal votes," the organisers write of the contest.

Included on the list of songs chosen by the organisers are Hungarian hits both past and present, such as A 67-es út (Route 67), Bolond, aki sír? (Are You Crazy If You Cry?) and Mi fáj (What Hurts).