Shortlist For Rotary Literary Prize Announced


In the running for the prize are the poet and translator László Lator for his collection of poetry The Only Chance (Az egyetlen lehetőség), the writer and poet Gábor Schein for his verse novel Fools' Tower (Bolondok tornya), and the writer Pál Závada for his novel Alien Bodies (Idegen testünk). In line with the contest rules, all of the works were published between July 1, 2007 and June 30, 2008

The winner will be announced at a gala on October 9.
The prize aims to recognise writers whose work embodies the ideals of Rotary International, a service club that aims to build goodwill and peace in the world. The prize comes with a HUF 3 million purse.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)