Sixth Dance Forum Slated for April 27' May 5


The Dance Forum will be held again at two venues: the Castle Theatre and the Palace of Arts. Performances will be put on for both adults and children. For children, the Budapest Dance Theatre will present ?Alice in Wonderland? and the Budapest Dance Group will put on ?Sleeping Beauty?.

The Budapest Dance Group and the Legionary Dance Theatre are preparing a performance called ?Black-Red?Dance?. The Győr Ballet will also perform, but the highlight of the forum will be a performance by the world famous Merce Cunningham Dance Company, which is coming to Hungary for the first time.

In line with tradition, the Hungarian Dance Artists? Association will present awards in recognition of the profession?s outstanding talents at a gala ceremony on April 29. Prizes will be awarded for ?Lifetime Achievement?, ?Best Male Dancer of the Year? and ?Best Female Dancer of the Year?. The Viktor Fülöp Award and the Zoltán Imre Foundation Award will also be presented.

Source: National Dance Theatre