Socialist Realism Theme For This Year?s European Heritage Days in Hungary


This year?s European Heritage Days in Hungary will be dedicated to the architecture of 1940-1970, said Kálmán Varga, chairman of the Office of Cultural Heritage. He added that fact that the 50th anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution falls this year played no small role in the decision

?The protection of listed buildings and the architectural heritage they represent is not a question of aesthetics?they precisely reflect an era, a medium, a society,? Varga said.

Some 500 historical buildings around Hungary will be open to the public during European Heritage Days. The event is expected to attract more than 180,000 visitors.

Among the buildings to be open to the public in Budapest during the weekend event are the Csepel Engineering Works and the cave hospital in Buda. Many other buildings will be open to the public outside of the capital as well, including the radioactive waste disposal unit at the Paks Nuclear Power Plant and buildings in the Communist-era planned city of Dunaújváros.

The Office of Cultural Heritage will show an exhibition of Socialist Realism architecture in Budapest?s Heritage Gallery between September 14 and December 1. Also, on September 18, Miskolc, in northeast Hungary, will host a conference on Socialist Realism.

European Heritage Days have had a significant effect on tourism in Hungary, according to undersecretary at the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development Zoltán Somogyi. He added that the state tourism company, in partnership with other travel agencies, would soon offer a ?Revolution Tour? of the sights important during the 1956 Revolution.

Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)