Spanish Film Wins Top Prize in Miskolc


Csaba Bene Perlenberg

The award was presented at a ceremony on Saturday.

The International Festival of Young Filmmakers, which ran from September 14 to 21, showed 92 films from 24 countries around the world on its programme.
In addition to the main prize, awards were presented in six categories: feature films, short films, documentaries, animation, experimental films and films about the Roma people.
The best feature film award went to Swedish director Csaba Bene Perlenberg for his film Väsenpumpen (The Walk),  a story about two childhood friends who meet again after 50 years and dig up sins from their past.
In the short film category, the jury picked Polish director Filip Marczewski's Melodramat (Melodrama). The animation prize when to the Slovakian director Martin Snopek for Pik A Nik (Pik and Nik), and the best documentary was Morrer (To Die) by Portugal's Diogo Camoes. The competition of experimental films was won by Performing Life # 2 directed by Aaike Stuart from the Netherlands. The Roma-Image prize was shared by      Romania's Emese Ambrus for Viva Constanta and to Hungary's Balázs Gát for Gypsy Side.
The festival's special Kodak award was won by the Hungarian Gergely Fogarasi for Utóirat (Postscript), and the Duna Television special award went to the Hungarian Zsuzsanna Geller-Varga's film Zsinagógát vegyenek (Synagogue for Sale). The Hungarian Szabolcs Hajdu was awarded the City of Miskolc special prize for Fehér tenyér (White Palm).