State Opera Director Refuses Call to Resign


?This is the time to be a real captain,? Hegyi said, reacting to the calls for his resignation. He said he was determined to continue with his work started in August and complete the opera?s modernisation, despite the opposition of the ?rebels?. He said he would present a more detailed plan to the press on Thursday.

Hungarian State Opera ballet director Gábor Keveházi on Friday called for Hegyi?s resignation after the director cut the number of performances and ballets without consulting with his colleague. And on Monday, Gergely Kesselyák, the opera?s musical director, also wrote a letter to Hegyi saying he would not accept the plan for the 2006 ? 2007 season because it reduced the number of performances by 52 to 265.

Minister of Culture András Bozóki met with the directors on Tuesday, but said he would not become involved in a professional decision.

Also on Tuesday, the members of the Hungarian State Opera?s council for civil servants wrote a letter to Minister Bozóki, asking him to dismiss the management he had appointed.

A spokesman for the Trade Union of Hungarian Musicians and Dancers told the Hungarian News Agency on Tuesday that the union agreed with the ballet director?s call for Hegyi?s resignation. According to the trade union, the modernisation plan for the opera, which is drifting towards bankruptcy, is unrealistic considering the drastic drop in state support.

Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)