Summer Academy Draws Musicians From Nine Countries


In addition to Hungarians, participants have come from Japan, the UK, Austria, Germany, Spain, Korea and Slovakia. The will work in master classes involving 14 instruments during their time in Debrecen.
The academy opened with a concert by the Kossuth Prize-wining pianist Tamás Vásáry, who is leading the Zoltán Kodály World Youth Orchestra for the fourth time this year. He was joined by the pianist Mihály Duffek, who heads the university?s music department, and the cellist Tamás Mérei.
The concerts, featuring a wide variety of instruments and composers, will continue every evening until July 22. All of the concerts are open to the public and free of charge.
The Zoltán Kodály World Youth Orchestra will close the academy with a concert on July 24. In addition to Vásáry, the talented young conductor Máté Hámori will take the baton.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)