Summer Salon Shows Best Works From All Over Hungary


Three times as many artists applied to participate in the salon, in the city of Debrecen in eastern Hungary, than when it was last held two years earlier. The number of works submitted outnumbered those for the last show by more than a thousand. The works were selected for the show by a professional jury.

?We have shown ourselves to the country, and the country has shown itself to us,? said Gábor Turi, cultural deputy-mayor of Debrecen, commenting on the number of artists who wished to participate in the show.

He noted that the number of applicants for the salon had risen in part because of its special theme this year. The number of works shows that one can draw closer to history with the tools of modern art, he said.

Awards for the best works at the salon were also presented at the opening. The main prize went to the painter Sándor Hartung, and the prize for the best work commemorating the 1956 Revolution was presented to the painter Árpád Bényi.

The 19th Debrecen National Summer Salon can be seen until August 28.