Szeged Ballet to Perform for World Dance Day


The performance is choreographed by Tamás Juronics to the music of three great modern Hungarian composers: Béla Bartók, György Ligeti and Péter Eötvös.
The performance, to take place at Budapest's Palace of Arts, will take place as part of Dance Forum No. 7, a programme organised by the National Dance Theatre and the Association of Hungarian Dancers for World Dance Day.
At the performance, an international message for World Dance Day written by the German choreographer Sasha Waltz will be read as will a message by the renowned Hungarian dancer Dóra Barta. Afterward, the Association of Hungarian Dancers and the Zoltán Imre Foundation will present awards.
World Dance Day has been celebrated each year on the birthday of Georges Noverre (1727-1810), a giant of classical ballet, since 1983.

A choreography by Sasha Waltz
Sasha Waltz's Message
One dances on birthdays, at weddings, on the streets, in living rooms, on the stage, behind the scenes. To communicate joy, sorrow, as ritual and borderline experience.
Dance is a universal language: emissary for a peaceful world, for equality, tolerance and compassion. Dance teaches us sensibility, consciousness and to pay attention to the moment.
Dance is the manifestation of our being alive. Dance is transformation.
Dance locates the soul; dance affords the body a spiritual dimension.
Dance enables us to feel our body, to rise above, to go beyond, to be another body.
To dance is to participate actively in the vibration of the universe.
Posthumous life-achievement award: György Martin (1932-1983)
Season's best choreographer: Zsolt Juhász
Season's best female dancers: Anna Tsygankova and Aleszja Popova
Season's best male dancers: Ignác Kádár and József Hámor
Season's best graduates: István Simon and Viktória Joó
For Dance Art award: Judit Gombár costume and set designer
Zoltán Imre award: Pál Frenák