Szeged Museum Acquires Giant Art Nouveau Mirror


The mirror, which was commissioned by a high-ranking railway officer in the first years of the 20th century, has stylistic features typical of the Southern Great Plain version of Art Nouveau, says Edina Hamar, head of restoration at the museum. Giant gold and silver sunflowers - a motif typical in Szeged and in nearby Szabadka (now Subotica in Serbia), practically leap of the frame.

The original silvered glass remains in excellent condition, but the base of the frame and ornaments on the top need a facelift, says Hamar.
The restoration will begin with research to determine whether the paint on the frame is the original. A test cleaning will follow, then a proper cleaning. After that, bits of ornamentation that have fallen off will be put back in place, and replicas of missing ornamentation will be made. Finally, restorers will touch up the colours and add gold and silver finish.