Szeged Open-Air Festival Starts Friday


?New World? will be performed on July 8 as well.

Ágens, one of the creators of New World, and also a performer in the production, recalls performing the piece at the Szeged Open-Air Festival two years earlier: the residents of the buildings around the city?s Cathedral Square, where the performances take place, were afraid that the pyrotechnics used in the New World would incinerate the stage and put their own homes at risk. This year, the performers have acquired all of the necessary permits and pyrotechnical professionals will assist with the production.

The operetta Gipsy Queen, a big hit at last year?s festival, will be performed again, on July 14, 15 and 16. And the world premiere of the musical Rudolf, an international co-production, will be presented on July 28, 29 and 30, as well as on August 2 and 10. This year's progarmme will also include the Dómdixie Gala, a dixieland concert, on August 2 and 10. János Szikora?s production of the opera Bánk bán will be performed on August 18, 19 and 20. Singing in Bánk bán will be some of Hungary?s greatest opera stars, including Éva Marton, Ilona Tokody, Atilla B. Kiss and Sándor Sólyom Nagy in one cast, and Bernadett Wiedemann, Bori Keszei and János Bándi in the other.

On the New Szeged Open-Air Stage, visitors can see two productions: the Károly Megyeri Travelling Theatre will show the classic Szigligeti farce Young Lilly on July 21, 22 and 23; and Pongrácz Kacsóh?s rendering of the classic Hungarian tale János Vitéz will be shown between August 11 and 13.

Source: Fidelio