Székesfehérvár Hopes to Build Miniature City


The miniature medieval city would contain metre-high houses, a moat and a wall, said Székesfehérvár deputy mayor Tibor Viniczay. Towering over everything will be the four-metre high Saint Stephen's Cathedral, which could once be seen from 40 kilometres away.
The plans for the miniature city were prepared by architect Zoltán Szabó, a former colleague of archaeologist Alán Kralovánszky, who dedicated himself to researching the ruins of the cathedral -  thought to have been 36 metres high and big enough for 8,000 people - until his death.
Székesfehérvár aims to cover 85 percent of the miniature city's costs with EU funding.
An adventure park will be built next to the miniature city.
Source: Múlt-kor / Hungarian News Agency