Sziget Festival to Offer More Than Music



The TÁP Theatre will return to the festival with its One-Minute Theatre, which offers festival-goers each an exclusive one-minute performances.

The Filter Performance troupe will show a "post-postmodern" examination of movement, involving everything from ancient elements to bagged milk, twice a day.
The Békés County Jókai Theatre will operate its Theatre School for the entire festival. The "school" offers visitors a look at the behind-the-scenes workings of a theatre.
On the Theatre and Dance Outdoor Stage, a number of exciting Hungarian and foreign troupes will perform, among them the nearly fifty-year-old Danza Contemporánea de Cuba and Stockholm 59[degrees]/North, an ensemble established by solo members of the Swedish Royal Ballet. On the festival's last day, the Israeli Hofesh Shechter, one of the most exciting young choreographers today, will show deGENERATION.

Tent performances include a choreography based on Sándor Márai's novel Embers by Jordi Cortés and Damián Munoz, the production Kőválasz by the ten-year-old Baltazár Theatre, and the Space Theatre's show Dutch Tsunami, which was a sensation at this year's Budapest Spring Festival. Other names on the programme are Dávid Baranya and Dorottya Ujszászi from Hungary, the Belgium-based Aleksandr Sivkov, the Tunesian Bahri Ben Yahmed and Valére Eléonore, who will show a work created together with the Budapest Dance Academy.

On the Grass performance area, Georg Traber will show Heinz Builds and a reworking of an old circus piece called Hikohki Gumo. The Dance Faculty of Budapest's Theatre and Film Arts Academy will perform, and the UK's Motionhouse company will bring its theatrical and acrobatic piece Chaser.
To see the full programme visit the Sziget Festival's website.
Photo: Péter Kollányi (MTI)