SZIN Wins Green Award


SZIN aimed to raise its profile as an environmentally-friendly event even higher this year: vendors were allowed to use only biodegradable cups and plates, incentives were offered for festival-goers arriving in full cars, there was free bicycle storage, and a rickshaw taxi service brought people into the city. SZIN hoped that AGreenerFestival, a not-for-profit company committed to helping music and arts events and festivals around the world adopt environmentally efficient practices, would take note and make SZIN the first recipient of the Greener Festival Award in the region. The festival's efforts paid off.

AGreenerFestival founder Ben Challis said the organisation was "proud" to have a Hungarian award winner at last.
AGreenerFestival strives to help festivals adopt environmentally efficient practices through providing information, by providing education resources and by swapping ideas. It aims "to provide information about how environmentally efficient methods are currently employed at music and arts festivals and to provide a forum for discussion about how the impact of festivals on the environment can be limited at future events."