Talent Search Winners Perform Stephen the King


The leads in the production were picked in Hungarian Television's talent search show A Társulat (The Company). They included Pál Feke as King Stephen, Imre Vadkerti as Koppány, Enikő Éder as Sarolt, Boglárka Simon as Gizella, Flóra Herczeg as Réka, Attila Tóth as Torda, Lajos Varga as Laborc and György Derzsi as Bishop Asztrik. The audience at the premiere was also given a special treat: Levente Szörényi, and János Bródy, the authors of the rock opera that has become a fixture of Hungarian culture, each sang one number.

From Budapest, the production will travel around the country, making stops in Szeged, Debrecen, Székesfehérvár and Kaposvár, then to cities in neighbouring countries with large populations of ethnic Hungarians.
Hungarian Television will broadcast a recording of the production on August 20, Saint Stephen's day.

Pál Feke

Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: Péter Kollányi (MTI)