Tamási Áron Theatre Takes Top Prize at Kisvárda Festival


The theatre troupe from Transylvania performed Áron Tamási's play Miracle at the ten-day festival which featured 25 companies from Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine.
The jury presented six more awards to the People's Theatre of Subotica, the Novi Sad Theatre, the Thália Theatre from Kosice, Studio M from Sfantu Gheorghe, the Kosztolányi Dezső Theatre from Subotica and the Csiky Gergely Theatre from Timisoara.

A special award went to a joint production by the Novi Sad Art Academy and the Novi Sad Theatre of Spring by István Domokos. The audience award went to the Kosice Theatre's production of Rostand's Cyrano de Bergerac.
The Ministry of Education and Culture presented lifetime achievement awards to Ibolya Farkas of the Miklós Tompa Troupe at the National Theatre of Targu Mures and to Frigyes Kovács of the People's Theatre of Subotica.
The jury also acknowledged the work of eleven actors with awards: Levente Nemes, Lóránd Váta, Tibor Pálffy, Alfréd Nagy (Sfantu Gheorghe), Elor Emina (Novi Sad), András Győrffy, Árpád Könczei, Erzsébet B. Fülöp (Targu Mures), Ervin Pálfi, Natália Vicei (Subotica) and Tibor Tóth (Komarno).
The jury praised Sándor Sárkány of the People's Theatre of Subotica for his set design for János Háy's play Géza the Kid.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: MTI