Ten Choreographies Nominated for Lábán Prize



The nominations have gone to a production by Debrecen's Csokonai Theatre entitled Spring Awakening (director Csaba Horváth); the Pál Frenák Company's performance Instinct; the Budapest Dance School's performance Glass Shade (choreography: Júlia Hadi); two productions by the Hungarian National Ballet Foundation Studio Group, entitled In Your Exes My Face Remains (choreography: András Lukács) and Ex-It 2 (choreography: Attila Kun); Krisztián Gergye's choreography for seven female solos for MU Theatre-KET-GKImpersonators entitled B.O.D.Y.; Péter Gerzson Kovács' solo performance Hic et nunc (which premiered at the MU Theatre's second Magenta Evening during the twenty-year-old TanzDanz festival); Klári Pataky's choreography I am Doing Very Well, Please Don't Call; Melinda Virág's choreography Altera Pars; and Zoltán Fodor's choreography Space-Form-Language, which was one of four new premieres from last year's MU Terminal.

Trafó and MU Theatre established the Lábán prize in the autumn of 2005. The prize is named after Rudolf Lábán, who was among the most important innovators of modern dance in Europe.
To select nominees, the founders asked independent esthetes, critics and journalists who have years of experience analysing, interpreting and promoting developments on the contemporary dance scene. Two of the best choreographies from last year will receive a significant cash prize of HUF 1.5 million and HUF 500,000, respectively, to be used for their next productions.
In 2006, when the Lábán Prize was granted for the first time, the list of nominated productions included pieces by Pál Frenák, Gábor Goda, Csaba Horváth, Péter Gerzson Kovács, Attila Kun, Andrea Ladányi and József Nagy.
In 2007, the director János Szász granted the main prize to Anna Réti for her choreography Soul Without Pullover. The Trafó prize was awarded by the poet Krisztina Tóth to Csaba Horváth, in recognition of his choreography &Echó, made for his company Fortedanse.  
The 2008 Lábán Prize jury includes the dance historian Lívia Fuchs, the critic and museologist Tamás Halász, the journalist and editor Zsolt Koren, the editor and dance critic Csaba Kutszegi, the esthete Ádám Mestyán, the theatre critic István Nánay, the journalist Márta Péter, the esthete András Rényi, the art historian László Százados and the journalist Szilvia Szilágyi Sisso.
This year's Rudolf Lábán prizes will be awarded at 11:00am on February 12, 2008.
The list of 2008 nominees includes ten productions:
  • SPRING AWAKENING - Csokonai Theatre of Debrecen, director-choreographer: Csaba Horváth, performers: Csaba Krisztik, Péter Nagy, Nóra Földeáki, Kinga Újhelyi, János Mercs, József Kádas, Gabi Varga, Katinka Egres, Máté Andrássy, Tibor Mészáros, Ottó Lajos Horváth, Gizella Zarnóczai, Ildikó Czaltik, Anca Iuga, Olivér Nagy, Tibor Steuer, László Tőke
  • INSTINCT - Pál Frenák Company, director-choreographer: Pál Frenák, performers: Balázs Baranyai, Ádám Zambrzycki, Lisa Kostur, Nelson Reguera, Kristóf Várnagy
  • B.O.D.Y. - MU Theatre-KET-GKImpersonators, choreographer: Krisztián Gergye, performers: Nikoletta Gresó, Melinda Virág, Borbála Blaskó, Móni Négyesi, Katalin Fodor, Flóra Domokos, Mariann Hargitai
  • GLASS SHADE - Budapest Dance School, choreographer: Júlia Hadi, performers: Virág Arany, Gyula Cserepes, Júlia Hadi, Gábor Halász, Kata Kovács, László Mádi, Dávid Mikó, Zoilly Molnár, Kriszta Tajnafői, Olívia Reschofszky, Kata Torda, Veronika Vámos, and László Fülöp, Krisztián Kelemen, Zoltán Vakulya, Péter Varga, Imre Vass, Gábor Zsíros
  • EX-IT 2 - Hungarian National Ballet Foundation Studio Group, choreographer: Attila Kun, performers: Alexandra Kozmér, Zsófia Nagy Nemes, Orsolya Gáspár, Eszter Tóth, Dávid Miklós Kerényi, Roland Csonka, József Medvecz, Roland Vékes, Attila Kun
  • IN YOUR EYES MY FACE REMAINS - Hungarian National Ballet Foundation Studio Group, choreographer: András Lukács, performers: Ildikó Bacskai, Levente Bajári, Dávid Miklós Kerényi, Roland Liebich, András Lukács
  • I AM DOING VERY WELL, PLEASE DON'T CALL - choreographer: Klári Pataky, dancers: Virág Arany, Viktória Dányi, Flóra Domokos, Katalin Kántor, Tünde Tonhaiser
  • SPACE-FORM-LANGUAGE - MU Terminal, choreographer: Zoltán Fodor, performers: Dóra Asztalos, Eszter Czédulás, Anna Gulyás, Adrienn Hoffman, Adrienn Horváth, Róbert Kiss, Tamás Tuza
  • HIC ET NUNC - MU Theatre, Magenta II., choreographer-performer: Péter Gerzson Kovács, contribution by Ákos Szelevényi
  • ALTERA PARS - Central European Dance Theatre, choreographer: Melinda Virág, performers: Melinda Virág, Gáspár Téri
Rudolf Lábán (1878-1958) was born in Bratislava, then a part of Austria-Hungary, and spent much of his youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Lábán set up the Choreographic Institute in Zürich in 1915 and later founded branches in Italy, France and Central Europe. His greatest contribution to dance was his 1928 publication of Kinetographie Laban, a dance notation system that came to be called Labanotation and is still used as one of the primary movement notation systems in dance.