Thália to Host Minority Theatre Festival


Eleven minority theatres -- Bulgarian, Greek, Croatian, Polish, German, Roma, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene and Ukrainian - will present 18 performances in eleven languages with Hungarian supertitles, simultaneous translation or printed synopsis.

This year's ARCUSFEST will focus on productions that highlight the creativity of students and involve non-professional adult actors.
ARCUSFEST aims to help minority communities develop bonds through theatre.
 ARCUSFEST 2009 Programme
February 26, 5pm
Karaván Theatre (Roma, Budapest)
László Garaczi: Wonderful Wild Beasts
In Hungarian
February 26, 8pm
CERVINUS Teatrum / Slovak Theatre - Szarvas
Ottó Tolnai: Bayer Aspirin
In Slovakian with Hungarian supertitles
February 27, 2:30pm
The Snow-Queen Fairy Tale Theatre (Roma, Budapest)
Magda Szécsi: Cincinfrász's Treasure Chest
In Hungarian
February 27, 5pm
VERTIGO Slovak Theatre (Budapest)
Július Bar-Ivan: Two People
In Slovakian with simultaneous interpretation in Hungarian
February 28, 2pm
Dom Otwarty Theatrical Group (Polish, Budapest)
Polaris or the Intergalactic Reconstruction of the Promised Land
In Polish with simultaneous interpretation in Hungarian
February 28, 5pm
Malko Teatro (Bulgarian, Budapest)
Kerana Angelova - Gabriella Hadzsikosztova: Elada Pinyo And The Time
In Bulgarian with Hungarian supertitles
February 28, 7pm
Romano Teatro (Roma, Miskolc)
Dezső Szegedi - Zsolt Horváth: Antigoné (rock-musical) - GALA PERFORMANCE
In Hungarian with condensed version in Roma
March 1, 2pm
Cheerful Friends Drama Group - Apátistvánfalva
Ladislav Kova / László Kovács: Choice
In Slovenian with simultaneous translation in Hungarian
March 1, 4pm
Croatian Theatre (Pécs)
Ephraim Kishon: Marriage lines
In Croatian with simultaneous interpretation in Hungarian
March 1, 5:30pm
PaThália Theatre (German, Pilisvörösvár)
PaThália Theatre: Acting Schiller
In German with simultaneous interpretation in Hungarian
March 1, 7pm
Hungarian German Theatre (Szekszárd)
William Shakespeare: King Lear
In German with simultaneous interpretation in Hungarian
March 2, 2pm
Cultural Offensive Theatrical Group (German, Budapest)
Edit Szabó: The Bohemian
In German with printed synopsis in Hungarian
March 2, 7pm
The First Ukrainian Theatre in Hungary (Budapest)
Marko Kropivnickij: Preparing For Revision
In Ukrainian with printed Hungarian synopsis
March 3, 6pm
Cinka Panna Romano Theatre (Budapest)
Faludy-Villon In a New Light (François Villon's ballads reinterpreted by György Faludy)
In Hungarian with condensed version in Roma
March 4, 2pm
Romanian Amateur Drama Group - Gyula
Eleonora Chiriac: Commedia dell Arte
In Romanian with printed synopsis in Hungarian
March 4, 7:30pm
Teatrul Vis - Hungarian Romanian Theatre
Zoltán Egressy: Sorrel, Fried Potatoes
In Romanian with simultaneous interpretation in Hungarian
March 5, 7:30pm
Serbian Theatre in Hungary
Edward Albee: Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf
In Serbian with simultaneous interpretation in Hungarian
March 6, 5pm
Neaniki Szkini (Greek, Budapest)
Dimitriosz Hadzisz: Margarita Perdikari
In Greek with simultaneous interpretation in Hungarian

Photo: kultú,