The Abduction from Debrecen


"My plan is to direct The Abduction from the Seraglio in a colorfully exciting new way" Tim Carroll has written about the performance which promises to be a unique theatrical experience and excellent entertainment in three acts.

"With the earlier pieces I have directed I set out on a journey which I hope to continue in Debrecen where I challenge the question of identification along with ignoring the ?willing suspense of disbelief.?
To summarize my experience in the Globe: while we constantly remind the audience that what they see is not reality, that these people on stage are simply actors, and that the story develops in the direction of the makers? wish?yet despite this the audience is not distanced in a berchtian way, but is encouraged rather to take part in the journey. In fact, in some curious, mythical way these moments of realization deepen the relationship between the audience and the events on stage, the heroes, their adventures, and their emotions.
The direction of Seraglio in Debrecen will, in effect, commemorate the renaissance adventure story: I intend to use different ways of storytelling for which the opera will not only have singers in it, but actors and puppets also, as well as comic strips and shadow play.
The relationship between the story and its teller constantly changes and draws the audience into an amusing game in which their instinct to identify themselves with the characters is at times urged while at other times, paradoxically, discouraged.
During the perfomance the audience will take part in a journey filled with grief and joy where they will also share with the performers in the excitement and pain of of true theatrical imagination."
