The New York Times Hails Performance by Kurtágs


The Kurtágs

"The New York debut of György Kurtág and the pianist Márta Kurtág, his wife, at Zankel Hall on Sunday was memorable not only because it was the first New York performance by that 82-year-old Hungarian composer and pianist but also because it offered a chance to witness an unusual familial collaboration," Vivien Schweitzer wrote in The New York Times.

The performance by the Kurtágs, playing excerpts from his composition Játékok (Games) is part of a two-week concert series that focuses on Hungarian music. The series launches Extremely Hungary, the Hungarian cultural season in New York and Washington.

Schweitzer also praised the violinist Hiromi Kikuchi who "played with fierce commitment"for a Kurtág composition entitled Hipartita

The Hungarian cultural season's  events in Washington events will start with a concert by Kurtág at the Congress Library on Saturday. Kurtág has been commissioned by the library to compose a work for the occasion, inspired by the music of Bartók. The event will also be attended by Hungarian Minister of Education and Culture István Hiller.

Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)